Grit of Gratitude
Give thanks in all circumstances… (1 Thes 5:18, NIV)
As a mother of three young children, there are countless ongoing lessons happening in our home each day. Lessons teaching the value of being responsible, showing kindness, sharing with others, and forgiveness. It is daily effort to instill values and character in our children. One of the values we want our children to develop is gratitude.
As we help our children to develop into kind and caring people, there are three simple words we remind them of often. The words, “Say thank you,” are on constant repeat. Whether it’s in response to refilling their juice, getting them a snack, or helping them put on their shoes- we remind our children time and time again to say thank you.
As adults, the discipline of showing gratitude is just as important. We can show gratitude in our families, among our friends, and in our work places. And this extends to our faith and the way we respond to God. In our last chapter we looked at prayer, its importance and its impact. Even as we explored how to pray as champion parents, we must include what 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 says in that we should “pray without ceasing, in everything giving thanks…” (NKJV).
As God is working in our lives it’s so important that we recognize his goodness and express our gratitude. Gratitude is shown in how we pray and the attitude we have as we champion. Gratitude takes grit. Taking time to see how God is moving, recognizing His faithfulness, and expressing that thankfulness takes a special type of courage and determination. To live grateful is to live different and sets our championing apart. When the norm is to worry and focus on the challenges we are facing with our children, we can choose to be thankful, express gratitude and have an overcoming attitude that celebrates what God is doing.
I love when my children are grateful. As parents, our children’s gratitude makes us want to bless them even more. And I believe it is the same with God. He loves when his children, you and me, have a grateful heart. He loves to bless and move in the lives of those who are thankful and have the grit of gratitude.